Good news..
My health is improving. I'm still not well, but I am able to get up and make a cup of coffee without feeling afterwards like I've expended the effort of climbing Mount Everest.
Yesterday, I preached twice here at Riverside, and there was amazing response as God seemed to be dealing with some very important issues in people's lives. Tomorrow, I plan to dive full force back into college work.
Due to having been sick, I'm behind on my studies so the next couple of weeks are going to be crazy with lots of late nights and early mornings. I'll be writing essay after essay and just hoping I can put enough time into each one of them to sound like I know what I'm talking about. Hopefully I'll crawl past the finish line called "end of term" on the 11th of December with my last essay in hand. Then I plan to take it slow for a few weeks. Until then, I'll be in the college library. Maybe I should take my pillow with me so I can take short naps between essays.
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