Sunday, December 14, 2003

Three theological turkeys..

What do three turkeys and a theologian have in common?

The answer is, they all have had something to do with my life in the last two-and-a-half weeks. Depending on the theologian, some might argue another answer to that question as well, but not in this case.

The first Turkey was on Thanksgiving. Of course, its an American holiday and so is not celebrated here, but an American friend of mine invited me over to celebrate with him and his family. It was great!!!The theologian was Stan Grenz. He came from Canada and spoke at my church, the college and two other churches. I had a great time taking him around, and people were greatly helped everywhere he went. The second turkey was this past Thursday.

My circle of close college friends got together at Jon's house and had our Christmas dinner together. It was a wonderful time of fun, food and friendship in the midst of a busy week of essay writing. The third turkey was yesterday. My church had a Christmas party at a local Indian restaurant, and I had more turkey. I thought it was a bit different eating turkey in an Indian restaurant, but I figured maybe it was an Indian turkey. Now I'm finally finishing my last essay of the term tonight. It's a little later than planned, due to my recent illness, but I'll be rejoicing tonight when I type that last word!!!Let's see, what else has been happening between theologians and turkeys?

Preaching, studying, writing, more studying and writing, and we had a Christmas-is-coming-dinner at the church on Tuesday (yeah, we like to eat). Gabriel, from Uganda, came and sang beautifully for our program and I spoke. We really sensed the Presence of God in a special way that night, and there were a number of non-Christians there, so I hope they were blessed by their experience of Christian community.Now my parents are here for a visit until the 23rd, so I plan to take them around to see some of the sights. Maybe this afternoon I should take them out for a turkey dinner just for something different.


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