Saturday, September 10, 2005

A Name Change

A lot has happened this week. I've been in meetings related to the probability of starting a new church here in Scotland, I've been in communication with people about exciting plans for the future in other parts of the world, and I've also begun the process of a name change.

No, I'm not changing MY name. I'm happy enough with the name of Chris, though it would be easy enough to change one's name here in Scotland. I suppose this law wouldn't actually apply to me since I was born in another country, but if someone is born or adopted in this country that person can change his or her name at any time as long as it is not with an intention to deceive or defraud.

To do so, all one must do is start going by that name. That new name can then legally be used for all purposes, though evidence of the name change may need to be produced for some official purposes. Once a person has used his/her new name for two years the name can be officially recorded with the registrar's office. As the citizen's advice bureau notes, however, "There is no legal requirement to record a change of name but it is often advisable to do so, particularly for legal purposes, such as inheritance."

I don't actually know of anyone who has made use of this law except in the case of marriage, but theoretically if my friend Andy Martin, for example, suddenly decided he wanted to go by the name Ignacio Eduardo Reyes, he could legally do so tomorrow simply by declaring that from now on that is his name. I am pretty sure, however, that Andy would not do that for at least two reasons: 1) he seems happy enough with the name he's got, and 2) he probably wouldn't know how to pronounce Ignacio Eduardo Reyes.

But I seem to have taken a trip down a wee rabbit trail, for my intention was actually to mention the name change that I am in the process of. It is not I who am taking on a new name. Rather, it is this ministry. This ministry has really grown beyond one individual and is about to expand even more, so it no longer seems appropriate for it to simply be called Chris Lewis Ministries. Therefore, the decision has been made to call this ministry "Nothing is Impossible."

When the angel appeared to Mary to tell her that she was going to have a baby and that this baby would be the promised Messiah, it came as somewhat of a surprise to her. Besides the immensity of the idea that this baby would be called the Son of God, she really couldn't understand how she could have a baby when she was a virgin. "How will this be," she asked, "since I am a virgin?" As the angel explained that the Holy Spirit would come upon her and the baby would be born as a miracle of God, he finished his explanation with the words: "For nothing is impossible with God." (Luke 1:37)

This theme that nothing is impossible for God is repeated throughout the Gospels. However, we live in a world that is filled with people who feel like their lives and their problems are impossible. This ministry is dedicated to helping people to learn that whatever they are facing, they are not beyond God's reach. People may fail them, churches may fail them, but what is impossible for people is not impossible for God. As we move forward into the exciting days ahead, we feel confident that this truth is one that a despairing world needs to hear.

Therefore, we are changing our name. In a sense, that new name is already in place because we are declaring that new name now. However, it will still take some time before everything we do officially takes ownership of it. We are also planning to register the name soon as a charitable trust here in the UK.

So, like I said, a lot has happened this week. I wonder what will happen in the weeks to come! We face big challenges and will probably face big obstacles along the way too. But if God is the one who is giving us the vision, we don't have to be afraid because we know that with God NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE!!!


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